Jo ‘Van’ Haylen And Rosé Jackson must go

This morning Chris Minns’ credibility as Premier is up for debate. During a train wreck radio interview, he tried to sidestep the obvious – his Transport Minister, Jo Haylen, misled the public about her use of taxpayer-funded drivers – and yet he still refuses to sack her.
This is not just about one dodgy minister; it is about two and a cover-up.
Yesterday Chris Minns claimed Jo Haylen made a “singular lapse in judgement.” He said she had nothing to hide. He said there were no other examples of Jo Haylen doing this.
That was not true.
It is since emerged that she repeatedly used her driver between Sydney and Caves Beach for the Saturday sports run.
It is also emerged that she used her driver on Sunday double time for a weekend family lunch west of the Blue Mountains.
Chris Minns is too weak to act because he relies on the hard-left faction that helped put him in the job.
If Jo Haylen and Rose Jackson stay, it is because Chris Minns is too scared to cross factional masters.
If Jo Haylen and Rose Jackson stay, it is because Chris Minns cares more about protecting the Labor Left than protecting taxpayer money.
Leader of the Opposition, Mark Speakman, said it is time for Chris Minns to do what any decent leader would do and sack Jo Haylen immediately. Rose Jackson, who has been and still is in hiding, must go too.
“Now we find out Jo Haylen has been caught out again – and this is not just about one rogue minister, it is about two. This is about a Premier who is too weak, too compromised, and too tied to faction heavyweights to do the right thing. If Chris Minns will not sack Jo Haylen and Rose Jackson, then he may as well admit he is just a puppet for the Labor Left,” Mr Speakman said.
This is not a government that treats taxpayer money with respect. It is a government of self-entitled elites, who see public money as their own personal slush fund.
Acting Shadow Minister for Transport Damien Tudehope said Chris Minns is letting Jo Haylen get away with it.
“The Premier’s repeated defence of the indefensible has now collapsed under the weight of fresh revelations about Jo Haylen’s travel rorts. Jo Haylen lied to the people of NSW, lied to the media, and lied to the Premier.
If Chris Minns has a shred of integrity, Haylen and Jackson must go. If he refuses, the people of NSW will know exactly who he works for – and it is not them,” said Mr Tudehope.   
Chris Minns’ judgement is shot. If he lets this slide, then the only conclusion voters can draw is this this Premier’s standards are as bad as his ministers.

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