NSW Labor calls for Memorial for those who Fought and Served in the Middle East

NSW Labor is today calling for the establishment of a significant memorial in Sydney to honour all those who served in the Middle East campaigns of Iraq and Afghanistan.

We know the challenges that Australian veterans from these recent conflicts face.
Each conflict has its unique set of circumstances and controversy, but that in no way lessens the strength of feeling and support that Australians have for those who served and those who made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan.
NSW Labor is also calling for bipartisan support for a national war cemetery in Sydney or New South Wales. This was first proposed by the NSW Government last year. Both Federal and NSW Labor support the proposal in principle.
Successive Federal Governments have done tremendous work in honouring the sacrifice of Australian service men and women where they fell in foreign theatres of war.
It is time for that same focus to be concentrated in Australia with the scoping, funding and construction of a national war cemetery in New South Wales.
Chris Minns, NSW Labor Leader said:
“Anything we can do to support our veterans and respect their service is a good thing.”
“Across Australia memorials have been erected dedicated to remembering the sacrifice of Australian soldiers, nurses, personnel and those who have died in war, as well as the men and women who have served for our country.
“It is time that NSW has a significant memorial for the recent Middle East conflicts too.”
‘We support the work of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide and the Shadow Minister for Veterans, Greg Warren has made a submission to this inquiry on behalf of the NSW Opposition.”
Greg Warren MP, Shadow Minister for Veterans said:
‘Whilst Australia has withdrawn from Afghanistan, some soldiers will not return, and many who did will carry the scars of that war for the remainder of their lives.
‘We call on the Liberal National Government to stand with us in a bipartisan way to honour the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought and served in Australia’s most recent war.

They shall grow not old,
As we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn;
At the going down of the sun
And in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget.

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