Australia should be a multi-racial society with freedom of religion but not a multicultural society according to the Family First Party.
Lead Senate candidate for New South Wales, Lyle Shelton, said yesterday’s appalling antisemitic threats to kill Jewish hospital patients by two Bankstown Muslim nurses underscored the failure of multi-culturalism.
“Jew hatred, which sadly is central to the culture in many Muslim countries and increasingly amongst un-Australian left-wing elites, has no place in Australia.
“Migrants who come to Australia and trash the trust that underpins our health system, or any other Australian institution for that matter, should go back to their country of origin.
“Australia is a proud Western nation built on the Judeo-Christian ethic,” Mr Shelton said.
The antisemitism crisis since October 7, which peaked yesterday, is a wakeup call to all Australians to renew our commitment to the values which have made this nation such an attractive place for people from all over the globe coming to seek a better life.
Labor’s “Doc” Herbert Evatt, through his ground-breaking work at the UN, was instrumental in the creation of the state of Israel.
Support for Israel was a pillar of the Hawke Labor government’s foreign policy.
Mr Shelton said the abandonment of support for Israel in its just war against Islamic terrorism by the Albanese government, our universities and large swathes of the media would have Doc Evatt and Bob Hawke rolling in their graves.
“Australia’s antisemitism crisis has festered and metastasised because the Israel-annihilationist ‘River to the Sea’ movement has been granted legitimacy.
“This must stop.
“The antisemitism crisis culminating in yesterday’s outrage is symptomatic of the failure of multi-culturalism.
“Australia has always made room for religious diversity and freedom and that should continue where non-Western religions are willing to adapt to overarching Western values.
“If Islam is a religion of peace, it should prove this to the Australian people by disciplining its numerous antisemitic preachers who have spouted hate and violence for Jews on our streets and in their mosques since October 7.
“Our university vice-chancellors should do the same with their antisemitic academics.
Australian culture is pro-Israel, proudly pro-West and underpinned by the Judeo-Christian ethic of love of neighbour.
“The ANZAC values of courage, mateship, perseverance and sacrifice – which spring from the Judeo-Christian ethic – have stood our nation in good stead and now must be contended for.
“These are the culture and values which define Australia, not what we saw at Bankstown hospital yesterday and since October 7,” Mr Shelton said.